The Adventurous Life, The Christian Walk

How to Find Satisfying Adventure

Have you ever come back from an adventure and felt disappointed? Maybe it wasn't as exciting as you hoped, or maybe it didn't live up to the hype? This happens to all of us. Is there any form of adventure that always satisfies? And what is the most satisfying adventure? I've traveled around the world… Continue reading How to Find Satisfying Adventure

Facing Fear, The Adventurous Life

How To Push Past Fear And Do That Big Thing

Fear is the number one thing that keeps us from doing what God has called us to. Whether it be evangelism, missions, teaching, or even just asking that girl out, fear sinks its nasty talons deep into our hearts and pulls us away from the things we know we are called to and feel passionate… Continue reading How To Push Past Fear And Do That Big Thing

The Gospel in Creation

Why Flowers Die

We all love flowers. Yes, even guys love flowers . . . or at least this guy does. They are beautiful, vibrant, and say so much about God's creation. God could've made plants only green, but no, He threw beautiful flowers into the mix because He's good. He breathes beauty into everything He does. But,… Continue reading Why Flowers Die

Facing Fear, The Christian Walk

What’s The Point?

"What's the point?" This question is what brought me into the roughest season of depression I've ever experienced. However, this question is also what brought me out of that season. If you can learn anything from those two sentences it's that the answer to this question is important. In this blog I want to help… Continue reading What’s The Point?

The Adventurous Life, The Christian Walk

Can You Let Go?

We all have dreams, ambitions, and desires that have followed us from youth. They are the hopes we can't shake no matter how busy life gets. But can you let go of it? Should you let go of it? And how do you know if giving it up is giving up or trusting God? My… Continue reading Can You Let Go?

The Christian Walk, Uncategorized

The #1 Reason Why People Don’t Trust In Christ: Christians

I've talked with tons of people about their faith and about the Christian faith. As I've asked why people don't trust Christ and the Bible, I've seen some trends rise to the surface. At the core of most of these trends is the problem of Christians. Why is this the #1 reason? And how can… Continue reading The #1 Reason Why People Don’t Trust In Christ: Christians

The Christian Walk, Uncategorized

7 Hidden Ways God Is Working In Your Life

I've seen God move in incredible ways just as you probably have over the years. However, these incredible God stories are few and far between. Are these really the only times when God's moved? Or has he moved in other ways and we just forget or don't see it? In this blog, I want to… Continue reading 7 Hidden Ways God Is Working In Your Life

The Christian Walk

3 Areas to Test If You Really Trust God

Do you really trust God? I mean, do you really, really trust God? It's so easy to answer yes to this question, but if we are being honest I think we'd hesitate to answer. In this blog, I want to cover a few areas that we all probably struggle to trust God with. My hope is not… Continue reading 3 Areas to Test If You Really Trust God

The Adventurous Life

What’s Harder than Dying for Your Faith?

Are you willing to die for your faith? I'd like to think I could answer yes to this question. Can you? But did you know that there's actually something harder and requires an even greater love for Christ than dying for your faith? Let me explain. What Does it Mean to Die for your Faith?… Continue reading What’s Harder than Dying for Your Faith?

The Adventurous Life

3 Reasons Why You Should Take that First Step of Faith

Sometimes we reach places in life where we just aren't sure where God's calling us to go. In those moments, what do we do? Do we stop and wait? Maybe. But, oftentimes we just need to take that first step of faith. Though there are many valid reasons why we should wait for God to… Continue reading 3 Reasons Why You Should Take that First Step of Faith