The Christian Walk

Christ Or Covid, Which Do You Talk About More?

How many times has the Coronavirus come up in your conversations in the last week? I can think of at least six times personally that it's popped up. It's popped up in conversations with Christian friends and non-Christian friends. I've even talked about it with strangers I've met along the way. Now, why doesn't this… Continue reading Christ Or Covid, Which Do You Talk About More?

Facing Fear, The Christian Walk

What’s The Point?

"What's the point?" This question is what brought me into the roughest season of depression I've ever experienced. However, this question is also what brought me out of that season. If you can learn anything from those two sentences it's that the answer to this question is important. In this blog I want to help… Continue reading What’s The Point?

Flash Fiction, Thrive Stories

The First Christian

Despite the rifle the State Soldier pointed at his temple, he stared at her. Jen's heart pounded. She opened her coat just enough to reveal the book. His book. The book he was about to die for. A flash of recognition crossed his face. Bang! Blood painted the brick wall behind him. He stumbled for… Continue reading The First Christian

The Adventurous Life, The Christian Walk

Two Personal Stories of How God let My Dreams Die

Following God isn't typically a magical life where all your dreams come true. As you journey down this adventurous life with Christ by taking wild steps of faith, you will encounter many difficult seasons. It will often feel as if God is leading you to a dead end where all your dreams will die. I… Continue reading Two Personal Stories of How God let My Dreams Die

The Christian Walk

Five Reasons Why You Can Trust God With Your Dreams

I've heard it said time and time again that if you follow God he will fulfill all your dreams. Though the underlying meaning is true that God plans fulfill your dreams, we can easily interpret this incorrectly on several different accounts. Often times God calls us down a path that just doesn't make sense or… Continue reading Five Reasons Why You Can Trust God With Your Dreams

The Christian Walk

Four Principles of the Christian Life

What is the Christian life? Why do we follow God? Is it just so we can feel his peace? Have an easy life? Get rich? This is often what Christians say and how they live their lives, but it's all wrong. These beliefs lead to an entitled mindset. These are people who only follow God… Continue reading Four Principles of the Christian Life

Thrive Stories

Thrive Stories: The Last Communion

Pastor Jake’s hands shook as he lifted the communion plate. The juice in the small glasses looked normal. It even smelled like grape juice. No one in his congregation would notice the poison. "In the same way,” Jake tried to keep his voice steady. “Jesus took the cup, and said: ‘This is my blood of… Continue reading Thrive Stories: The Last Communion