Flash Fiction, Thrive Stories

The Dangerous Book

A rapid knock interrupted Stace from her reading. The library closed forty minutes ago, who could possibly want in? Whatever. Stace shook her head and turned back to her book The Nation of Robots by Claudia Bostraeu, which was the best selling book of 2050. The knock resounded through the quiet building once again. Now,… Continue reading The Dangerous Book

Flash Fiction, Thrive Stories

The First Christian

Despite the rifle the State Soldier pointed at his temple, he stared at her. Jen's heart pounded. She opened her coat just enough to reveal the book. His book. The book he was about to die for. A flash of recognition crossed his face. Bang! Blood painted the brick wall behind him. He stumbled for… Continue reading The First Christian

Thrive Stories

Thrive Stories: Where Moth and Rust Destroy

August 26th, 2046, 7:13 AM Zeke opened the glass door of the hutch his great-grandfather built and listened to the all-to-familiar squeak of the hinge. He fingered the intricate carvings at the top and wiped the old dust that clung to his hand off on his pants. "Goodbye," he muttered. The kitchen floor creaked as… Continue reading Thrive Stories: Where Moth and Rust Destroy

Flash Fiction

Rejoice In the LORD, Always

I roll to my other side to ease the ache. How much longer, God? Silence. Again. Nothing but the hush of wind through the pine tree above and the faint speckling of wind-blown snow against my wet bag. Rejoice in the LORD always, again I say it, rejoice. Whoever wrote those bold words in the… Continue reading Rejoice In the LORD, Always

The Christian Walk

Stay Strong Through Seasons of Uncertainty

We've all had those moments where we look back and wonder "Did God really call me to this?" Maybe your reason for wondering might stem from seemingly unending difficulty, major setbacks, a long period where you appear to make no progress, or just flat out doubt. Sometimes we do really need to turn back to… Continue reading Stay Strong Through Seasons of Uncertainty