My Story

The Miraculous Story of How We Bought Our Townhome

Let me share a story with you about God’s goodness and provision. Two years ago today my wife and I bought our small townhouse. But how we got here and why this story is so significant will blow your mind. I hope this story will encourage you and remind you that God is good even… Continue reading The Miraculous Story of How We Bought Our Townhome

Evangelism, My Story, Speaking and Videos

Who Do I Work For, And What Do I Do?

What do I do with the GCA? What are our goals? What is our strategy? The GCA is a wonderful ministry and God is doing great things through it. Last week I had the honor of joining Hannah Jensen's Public Affairs show on Salem Media Radio. On this show we talk all about what we… Continue reading Who Do I Work For, And What Do I Do?

My Story

My Calling In Life

"What is my calling in life?" I've written tons of posts and a book (Discovering God's Calling) to help you find your adventurous calling from God. But why do I do this? In this post, I want to share my calling, and explain why I do the things I do. The Unacceptable Need I spent two years… Continue reading My Calling In Life

My Story, The Christian Walk

The Miracle God Did In Our Lives

There are so many verses that say God will give us whatever we ask of him. However, we forget that in most instances these verses are in the context of praying according to God's will. I have prayers I've been praying for over ten years that are still unanswered, but just recently God answered our… Continue reading The Miracle God Did In Our Lives

My Story, The Christian Walk

How God Helped Me Fight Depression

I might seem to be a positive person nowadays, but don't be fooled, I've had a very long and hard struggle with depression. I've walked through intense dark seasons, in some of which I really didn't think I'd make it out. I still struggle with depression and I know I'm not the only one. However,… Continue reading How God Helped Me Fight Depression

My Story, The Christian Walk

God’s Intricate Plan: How I Met My Wife

You might be going through a hard time right now. Something might've happened recently that makes no sense to you and you're beginning to wonder if God really does care about you or if he even has an intricate plan for you. Recently, God's blown me away by showing me all the intricate ways he's… Continue reading God’s Intricate Plan: How I Met My Wife

My Story

“A Part of My Story” by Mrs. Wilder

Hi, I’m Philip Wilder’s wife. I know what you’re probably thinking—where’s Philip? Currently, he’s using power tools. But in general, you can usually find him hanging around me. I’m one lucky lady! But today it's my turn, and I want to share a story about a time when God spoke to me. I hope my… Continue reading “A Part of My Story” by Mrs. Wilder

My Story

Did you Go on Any Fun Adventures in the Middle East?

My last few posts have been pretty serious and challenging, but I don't want any of you to think that my whole time in the Middle East was all hard. I had a ton of fun in the Middle East. So, I'm excited to answer this question "Did you go on any fun adventures in… Continue reading Did you Go on Any Fun Adventures in the Middle East?

My Story

What are Some Life-Changing Lessons You Learned from the Middle East?

Spending two years anywhere is more than enough time to learn some serious lessons about yourself, God, and the world around us. Here's a few of the most life-changing lessons I learned from my two years in the Middle East. Freedom is a Serious Blessing I had numerous friends tell me how much they longed… Continue reading What are Some Life-Changing Lessons You Learned from the Middle East?

My Story

What is Your Craziest God Story from the Middle East?

There's a lot of crazy things that happened while I was in the Middle East. When I got this question though, one particularly crazy story came to mind. It's perhaps not a huge miraculous story, but it is crazy, funny, and scary, so I think it counts. Though I was close to dying, this is… Continue reading What is Your Craziest God Story from the Middle East?