The Gospel in Creation

Why Flowers Die

We all love flowers. Yes, even guys love flowers . . . or at least this guy does. They are beautiful, vibrant, and say so much about God's creation. God could've made plants only green, but no, He threw beautiful flowers into the mix because He's good. He breathes beauty into everything He does. But,… Continue reading Why Flowers Die

The Gospel in Creation

Is Grass Smarter Than people?

Just this Saturday my wife and I finished a long road trip. As we traveled I recognized something interesting about all the plants. No matter where I went, all the plants raced desperately to produce seeds. And all this made me wonder, is grass smarter than people? I believe God wrote an endless amount of… Continue reading Is Grass Smarter Than people?

The Gospel in Creation

The Show: God’s Creation Through A Poet’s Eyes

It's hard to trust God is moving or God is good when hard things happen. I'm a poet at heart and I want to use my strength and love of creation to help any of you who are in hard seasons and inspire everyone else with how good God is. So, come with me. Sit… Continue reading The Show: God’s Creation Through A Poet’s Eyes

The Christian Walk

Christ Or Covid, Which Do You Talk About More?

How many times has the Coronavirus come up in your conversations in the last week? I can think of at least six times personally that it's popped up. It's popped up in conversations with Christian friends and non-Christian friends. I've even talked about it with strangers I've met along the way. Now, why doesn't this… Continue reading Christ Or Covid, Which Do You Talk About More?

My Story

My Calling In Life

"What is my calling in life?" I've written tons of posts and a book (Discovering God's Calling) to help you find your adventurous calling from God. But why do I do this? In this post, I want to share my calling, and explain why I do the things I do. The Unacceptable Need I spent two years… Continue reading My Calling In Life

The Adventurous Life

Why I Befriended a Known ISIS Sympathizer

"Be safe." "Don't go to dangerous places." "Don't do what you aren't comfortable with." I've heard lots of people say these things. But is this really what life is about? What if there's a grand adventure for us out there that requires us to take these risks? One big risk I took while in the… Continue reading Why I Befriended a Known ISIS Sympathizer

The Adventurous Life

3 Reasons Why I’m Mad at the American Church

Does your faith seem more like an addition to your life than the reason you are alive? If so I apologize. I've held back a lot of my frustrations on this blog for the sake of being nice. I see now that by staying quiet, I'm doing a disservice to the church. I don't intend… Continue reading 3 Reasons Why I’m Mad at the American Church

Flash Fiction, The Adventurous Life

Dear Soldier, Do You Remember?

Dear Soldier, We don't know if you remember us or not, but we've been trying to catch your attention. No, don't ignore this letter. You aren't reading this by accident. Yes, you are a soldier, but you may have forgotten this truth. Let us explain. You were sent out into battle quite some time ago.… Continue reading Dear Soldier, Do You Remember?


Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen? A Lesson From Easter

I know Easter happened last week, but God's recently shown me an important lesson from the Easter story that I think we should all learn. As beautiful as Easter is, we are still facing this pandemic. As we look around, we realize life on this planet is brutal. We lose friends just as quickly as… Continue reading Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen? A Lesson From Easter

The Christian Walk

Four Ways to Share the Gospel During a Quarantine

Being in full-time ministry, I'm in an interesting predicament of trying to figure out how I can continue to show God's love and share the gospel with others during this time. So, I took some time to brainstorm some ways that I can continue doing ministry even while I'm supposed to be away from others.… Continue reading Four Ways to Share the Gospel During a Quarantine