The Gospel in Creation

Why Flowers Die

We all love flowers. Yes, even guys love flowers . . . or at least this guy does. They are beautiful, vibrant, and say so much about God's creation. God could've made plants only green, but no, He threw beautiful flowers into the mix because He's good. He breathes beauty into everything He does. But,… Continue reading Why Flowers Die

The Christian Walk

Is The American Church Broken?

I've traveled a lot, and every church has its shortcomings. Many are far worse off than the American church, but there's something very wrong with the American church and if it's not fixed soon, there will be no more church in the US. Let me share what I see, and after reading what God's burdened… Continue reading Is The American Church Broken?

The Christian Walk

Four Principles of the Christian Life

What is the Christian life? Why do we follow God? Is it just so we can feel his peace? Have an easy life? Get rich? This is often what Christians say and how they live their lives, but it's all wrong. These beliefs lead to an entitled mindset. These are people who only follow God… Continue reading Four Principles of the Christian Life