The Adventurous Life, The Christian Walk

How to Find Satisfying Adventure

Have you ever come back from an adventure and felt disappointed? Maybe it wasn't as exciting as you hoped, or maybe it didn't live up to the hype? This happens to all of us. Is there any form of adventure that always satisfies? And what is the most satisfying adventure? I've traveled around the world… Continue reading How to Find Satisfying Adventure

The Christian Walk, Uncategorized

7 Hidden Ways God Is Working In Your Life

I've seen God move in incredible ways just as you probably have over the years. However, these incredible God stories are few and far between. Are these really the only times when God's moved? Or has he moved in other ways and we just forget or don't see it? In this blog, I want to… Continue reading 7 Hidden Ways God Is Working In Your Life

The Christian Walk

My Phrase for 2021: Child Of God

Every year I pick a word to represent my year and that I want to learn and grow through. Last year I picked "dependence". Thanks to the pandemic, it was really easy to look back and acknowledge that I had to depend on God a ton this last year. But this year (2021), I'm cheating… Continue reading My Phrase for 2021: Child Of God

The Adventurous Life

How Do You Find Adventure?

What is adventure? What happened to adventure? And, how do we find it? To many, these answers are elusive. We wonder why is adventure so hard to find. But I don't think we need to search for adventure. I believe it's right in front of all of us. I hope that by the end of… Continue reading How Do You Find Adventure?

The Christian Walk

3 Reasons Why Satan Loves Video Games, Movies, and Fiction Books

Let me start by making it very clear that I play video games, I love movies, and I write fiction books. I don't think any of these are inherently bad or evil, but they are a tool. Just like any tool, they can be used for good or bad. Unfortunately, I think for many of… Continue reading 3 Reasons Why Satan Loves Video Games, Movies, and Fiction Books

Flash Fiction

Rejoice In the LORD, Always

I roll to my other side to ease the ache. How much longer, God? Silence. Again. Nothing but the hush of wind through the pine tree above and the faint speckling of wind-blown snow against my wet bag. Rejoice in the LORD always, again I say it, rejoice. Whoever wrote those bold words in the… Continue reading Rejoice In the LORD, Always

The Adventurous Life

How Do We Live Wilder?

In my book Discovering God's Calling and in many of my blog posts I talk about living wilder. But how do we take this idea and make it applicable? Can everyone live wilder? Or is this lifestyle only available to singles who are able to travel and explore this world? How do we live wilder?… Continue reading How Do We Live Wilder?

The Adventurous Life

2 Ways to Answer Your Heart’s Cry for Adventure

Is your life meaningful? Are you excited to wake up each day? Do you feel like you are making a difference in the world? Does your life feel like an adventure? Last week I shared some challenging words from my heart in my post 3 Reasons Why I’m Mad at the American Church, and I… Continue reading 2 Ways to Answer Your Heart’s Cry for Adventure

The Christian Walk

How does God Speak to Us?

Maybe you've been urgently pleading with God to give you wisdom or direction on an issue or topic. Or, perhaps something interesting just happened and you aren't quite sure what God is trying to say through it or if he's trying to say anything at all. So, how does God speak to us? Should we… Continue reading How does God Speak to Us?

The Adventurous Life

Why Do You Fight?

Sometimes we slide into autopilot. We fall into a routine and just keep moving forward without much thought of why we are pressing forward or where we are going. This sort of autopilot life breeds dissatisfaction, frustration, discouragement, and a plethora of other problems. So let's get back to the point. Why do you fight?… Continue reading Why Do You Fight?