My Story

The Miraculous Story of How We Bought Our Townhome

Let me share a story with you about God’s goodness and provision. Two years ago today my wife and I bought our small townhouse. But how we got here and why this story is so significant will blow your mind. I hope this story will encourage you and remind you that God is good even… Continue reading The Miraculous Story of How We Bought Our Townhome

Facing Fear, The Christian Walk

1 Key To Endure Any Hardship

Difficulties hit without warning. Sometimes it feels like life is falling apart. You might wonder how you'll survive, or how you'll recover. Why would God let something so bad happen? Sometimes it just feels hard to function as that trail lingers in your stomach, stealing your appetite, joy, and hope. I can't promise this key… Continue reading 1 Key To Endure Any Hardship

Facing Fear, The Adventurous Life

How To Push Past Fear And Do That Big Thing

Fear is the number one thing that keeps us from doing what God has called us to. Whether it be evangelism, missions, teaching, or even just asking that girl out, fear sinks its nasty talons deep into our hearts and pulls us away from the things we know we are called to and feel passionate… Continue reading How To Push Past Fear And Do That Big Thing

The Christian Walk

The Christian Life Shouldn’t Be Boring

We might read the incredible stories in the Bible of the Apostles or of Moses and think, "If only God still moved like that." I firmly believe that the Christian life shouldn't be boring. If you are a Christian and your life is boring, then something's wrong. I don't say this because I want you… Continue reading The Christian Life Shouldn’t Be Boring

The Christian Walk

Why God Lets Bad Things Happen

Interestingly enough, two of the biggest reasons why people don't believe in God and the Gospel are because they believe almost everyone is good in nature and because they don't understand how God could let bad things happen. Both of these reasons actually contradict each other, but let's address them separately. I've already blogged about… Continue reading Why God Lets Bad Things Happen

The Adventurous Life, The Christian Walk

When Dreams Hurt

I'm not a very emotional guy. My wife has seen me cry three times, but as I write this, I fight back tears. Perhaps you are like me. I don't know if this will touch or inspire you, but I know this will resonate with someone. Because I know I'm not alone in this deep… Continue reading When Dreams Hurt

The Adventurous Life, The Christian Walk

Can You Let Go?

We all have dreams, ambitions, and desires that have followed us from youth. They are the hopes we can't shake no matter how busy life gets. But can you let go of it? Should you let go of it? And how do you know if giving it up is giving up or trusting God? My… Continue reading Can You Let Go?

My Story

My Calling In Life

"What is my calling in life?" I've written tons of posts and a book (Discovering God's Calling) to help you find your adventurous calling from God. But why do I do this? In this post, I want to share my calling, and explain why I do the things I do. The Unacceptable Need I spent two years… Continue reading My Calling In Life

My Story, The Christian Walk

The Miracle God Did In Our Lives

There are so many verses that say God will give us whatever we ask of him. However, we forget that in most instances these verses are in the context of praying according to God's will. I have prayers I've been praying for over ten years that are still unanswered, but just recently God answered our… Continue reading The Miracle God Did In Our Lives

The Christian Walk, Uncategorized

The #1 Reason Why People Don’t Trust In Christ: Christians

I've talked with tons of people about their faith and about the Christian faith. As I've asked why people don't trust Christ and the Bible, I've seen some trends rise to the surface. At the core of most of these trends is the problem of Christians. Why is this the #1 reason? And how can… Continue reading The #1 Reason Why People Don’t Trust In Christ: Christians