The Gospel in Creation

Is Grass Smarter Than people?

Just this Saturday my wife and I finished a long road trip. As we traveled I recognized something interesting about all the plants. No matter where I went, all the plants raced desperately to produce seeds. And all this made me wonder, is grass smarter than people? I believe God wrote an endless amount of… Continue reading Is Grass Smarter Than people?

The Gospel in Creation

Nature is Disturbing

Whenever you search "nature" online you'll find beauty—as you should. Nature is beautiful. But, there’s also something secretly disturbing about nature. It’s broken, corrupted, and decaying. Something is very wrong with this planet in many different ways. And this lines up perfectly with the Bible. When we sinned, Nature fell with us. I focused on… Continue reading Nature is Disturbing

The Christian Walk

Why God Lets Bad Things Happen

Interestingly enough, two of the biggest reasons why people don't believe in God and the Gospel are because they believe almost everyone is good in nature and because they don't understand how God could let bad things happen. Both of these reasons actually contradict each other, but let's address them separately. I've already blogged about… Continue reading Why God Lets Bad Things Happen


The #3 Reason Why You Don’t Want All Good People to Go to Heaven

In my last two blog posts, I shared the #1 and #2 reasons why you don't want all good people to go to Heaven. If you haven't read those, I'd encourage you to do so. It may seem like it would be great if God just opened the doors for every good persom to enter… Continue reading The #3 Reason Why You Don’t Want All Good People to Go to Heaven


The #1 Reason Why You Don’t Want All Good People to Go to Heaven

Yes, you read that title right. So many people tell me that they believe good people will go to heaven. As much as I wish this were true, the more I think about this, the more I'm glad it isn't. There are several more reasons beyond just the one I will mention here, but this… Continue reading The #1 Reason Why You Don’t Want All Good People to Go to Heaven

The Adventurous Life

What’s Harder than Dying for Your Faith?

Are you willing to die for your faith? I'd like to think I could answer yes to this question. Can you? But did you know that there's actually something harder and requires an even greater love for Christ than dying for your faith? Let me explain. What Does it Mean to Die for your Faith?… Continue reading What’s Harder than Dying for Your Faith?


Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen? A Lesson From Easter

I know Easter happened last week, but God's recently shown me an important lesson from the Easter story that I think we should all learn. As beautiful as Easter is, we are still facing this pandemic. As we look around, we realize life on this planet is brutal. We lose friends just as quickly as… Continue reading Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen? A Lesson From Easter