
The #3 Reason Why You Don’t Want All Good People to Go to Heaven

In my last two blog posts, I shared the #1 and #2 reasons why you don’t want all good people to go to Heaven. If you haven’t read those, I’d encourage you to do so. It may seem like it would be great if God just opened the doors for every good persom to enter heaven, but as we discussed in the last two posts, this would lead to some catastrophic outcomes. Here’s the third reason.

Who Would Be in Heaven?

We talked about what “good” means in the #1 reason. If you are confused with what is coming, you may want to click here to read the #1 Reason. If we say all “good” people go to heaven, we are opening the doors to heaven pretty wide.

I’m sure you can think of several people who you really dislike because they did something terrible to you. Maybe they spread a terrible rumor about you, or they always criticized you at work and were completely unfair to you. Maybe someone stole from you, or turned your friends against you.

Whatever it is, if you say all good people go to heaven, I can bet you a good number of these people you are really mad at would make the cut just as much as you. On top of all this, you are going to be forced to love them. You have to live alongside them and just deal with whatever they did to you.

The Extreme Example

Here’s the deal, though we may draw that line at all “good” people, if we don’t define good as God does (perfection), inevitably some odd people would make the cut. Imagine a guy who’s really good most of the time, but one day he just couldn’t control his passion and he ends up raping you, or killing someone you love. Will he go to heaven?

Despite one utterly terrible thing, he might’ve been a really great person. How would you feel about sharing heaven with this person who caused such extreme trauma to you?

The #3 reason why you don’t want all good people to go to heaven is because it would force you to love and live alongside people who caused you serious pain.

What About Justice?

To make things even worse, all these people who did bad things to you would never be punished. That neighbor who always teased you, or that teacher who gave you that terrible grade even though you put so much hard work into that paper would never be punished.

I can’t imagine how frustrating this would be. It would also cause me to wonder if God really loved me at all. If he did, certainly he should punish those who hurt me. If he doesn’t punish them, then does he really feel sad that I’m hurt?

Especially with the extreme examples. If someone molested you, should that person go to heaven without any sort of punishment? Is it fair of God to force you to live alongside these people?

The Only Solution

In the end, there’s only one fair way to go about this all. A fair standard of what is good must be set, and anyone who breaks that standard must be punished. Unfortunately, this means we all must be punished because we’ve all broken the standard of what is good multiple times.

So, how do we make heaven available to as many of us as possible? How can we rid ourselves of all these terrible things we’ve done to others, and still punish all the wrong?

The most logical answer is Jesus. For everyone who’s genuinely sorry, and who’s recognized that they’ve done bad things, they can turn to Jesus. They can accept Jesus’ offer to cover their unbearable punishment by dying on their behalf only to then conquer that punishment and rise again via his divine power and holiness. Then, if we accept his offer through faith and ask him to come and guide us through life, we can follow Jesus and die to our sins and come alive again through his power.

Only through Jesus can heaven be available for everyone, while still serving adequate justice, and striping us free of all our sin. Doesn’t this sound like a good plan? Why would we ever want anything else?

Clearly, God knows what he’s doing.



If you enjoyed this blog, I’d encourage you check out The #2 Reason Why You Don’t Want All Good People to Go to Heaven

If you still have a hard time trusting God, I’d encourage you to read my post: 5 Reasons Why You Can Trust God

3 thoughts on “The #3 Reason Why You Don’t Want All Good People to Go to Heaven”

  1. So true, Philip! This post series was so good, and it really picked at both my brain and my spirit. Bless you both, I’m sure the wedding isn’t far off now. Love you in Christ! ❣️😊

    1. Good! I’m glad it encouraged you! It was a great reminder for me as well too and really helped me trust God’s way more.

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