The Gospel in Creation

The Show: God’s Creation Through A Poet’s Eyes

It's hard to trust God is moving or God is good when hard things happen. I'm a poet at heart and I want to use my strength and love of creation to help any of you who are in hard seasons and inspire everyone else with how good God is. So, come with me. Sit… Continue reading The Show: God’s Creation Through A Poet’s Eyes

The Christian Walk

9 Common Lies About Singleness and Marriage

I didn't have a single girlfriend before I turned 25. In that time, I heard and believed many lies surrounding singleness and marriage, especially as I worked in ministry. Here are nine common lies about singleness and marriage that I've heard from churches, singles, and married people trying to help their single friends. One: God… Continue reading 9 Common Lies About Singleness and Marriage

The Christian Walk

Why God Lets Bad Things Happen

Interestingly enough, two of the biggest reasons why people don't believe in God and the Gospel are because they believe almost everyone is good in nature and because they don't understand how God could let bad things happen. Both of these reasons actually contradict each other, but let's address them separately. I've already blogged about… Continue reading Why God Lets Bad Things Happen

Facing Fear, The Christian Walk

What’s The Point?

"What's the point?" This question is what brought me into the roughest season of depression I've ever experienced. However, this question is also what brought me out of that season. If you can learn anything from those two sentences it's that the answer to this question is important. In this blog I want to help… Continue reading What’s The Point?

My Story

My Calling In Life

"What is my calling in life?" I've written tons of posts and a book (Discovering God's Calling) to help you find your adventurous calling from God. But why do I do this? In this post, I want to share my calling, and explain why I do the things I do. The Unacceptable Need I spent two years… Continue reading My Calling In Life

My Story, The Christian Walk

The Miracle God Did In Our Lives

There are so many verses that say God will give us whatever we ask of him. However, we forget that in most instances these verses are in the context of praying according to God's will. I have prayers I've been praying for over ten years that are still unanswered, but just recently God answered our… Continue reading The Miracle God Did In Our Lives

The Adventurous Life, The Christian Walk

What Do You Do If You Think God’s Calling You to Do the Impossible?

There's an ache in your bones. You've held a dream for so long, but you can't decide if this passion is just a childhood fantasy or a god-given dream. Should you step out and do what others say is impossible? Or should you do something more "realistic"? Is abandoning this dream wise or a lack… Continue reading What Do You Do If You Think God’s Calling You to Do the Impossible?

The Christian Walk

How to Show Wild Love

During this quarantine, many of us are stuck in very close proximity with people who we probably don't get along the best with. However, when Jesus said love your enemy, he gave no fine print clarification that said "unless you are stuck with them during a quarantine."  It's easy and feels good to lash out… Continue reading How to Show Wild Love

The Christian Walk

Stay Strong Through Seasons of Uncertainty

We've all had those moments where we look back and wonder "Did God really call me to this?" Maybe your reason for wondering might stem from seemingly unending difficulty, major setbacks, a long period where you appear to make no progress, or just flat out doubt. Sometimes we do really need to turn back to… Continue reading Stay Strong Through Seasons of Uncertainty

The Adventurous Life, The Christian Walk

Two Personal Stories of How God let My Dreams Die

Following God isn't typically a magical life where all your dreams come true. As you journey down this adventurous life with Christ by taking wild steps of faith, you will encounter many difficult seasons. It will often feel as if God is leading you to a dead end where all your dreams will die. I… Continue reading Two Personal Stories of How God let My Dreams Die