Facing Fear

Press On Toward Your God-Given Dream

If God's called you to do something, then don't give up. EVER! Even when life gets hard. Even when it seems like the goal is impossible or will take fifty years to accomplish. Don't ever give up. I want to encourage you to press on, and I want to do this through sharing how God… Continue reading Press On Toward Your God-Given Dream

The Christian Walk

4 Great Ways to Spend Your Time with God Inside

A lot of us have far more time on our hands than we'd want. At first this was great, but now we are stuck wondering "What now?" When we burn time on media or doing miscellaneous things, it's easy to lose focus. What are we living for? Why are we here? What is our purpose?… Continue reading 4 Great Ways to Spend Your Time with God Inside

Facing Fear, My Story

What Made You Afraid of Going to the Middle East?

Fear is one of the major things that keeps people from going to be missionaries, and it almost stopped me too. Only by God's grace did I have the strength to carry on. Because I love adventure, I wasn't too afraid of dying, so my fears weren't very focused on physical danger. So what made… Continue reading What Made You Afraid of Going to the Middle East?

The Christian Walk

Stay Strong Through Seasons of Uncertainty

We've all had those moments where we look back and wonder "Did God really call me to this?" Maybe your reason for wondering might stem from seemingly unending difficulty, major setbacks, a long period where you appear to make no progress, or just flat out doubt. Sometimes we do really need to turn back to… Continue reading Stay Strong Through Seasons of Uncertainty

The Adventurous Life

Find Your Core Anchor

Just look at every hero there is out there. They all reach a hard season and they always seem to overcome it. But, how do they overcome it? Some need to remember who they are and others remember who they are fighting for. In all cases, people go back to their core anchor to find… Continue reading Find Your Core Anchor