The Christian Walk

4 Great Ways to Spend Your Time with God Inside

A lot of us have far more time on our hands than we’d want. At first this was great, but now we are stuck wondering “What now?” When we burn time on media or doing miscellaneous things, it’s easy to lose focus. What are we living for? Why are we here? What is our purpose? Sometimes it’s hard to calibrate our brains with what the Bible says. So, here’s four great ways to spend your time inside with God that will help you feel energized for life rather than burnt out.

1) Watch “The Chosen”

I can’t explain how much I’d recommend this show. You might’ve seen some adds for this on facebook or instagram. That’s how I first heard about this unique TV show. The Chosen is an app-based show focused on Jesus’ ministry. This means you can watch it for free on your smartphone just by downloading the app “The Chosen”.

I’m sure you’ve watched several movies about Jesus and they all basically show the same thing, but I promise you, The Chosen is very different. While most movies squeeze all of Jesus’ ministry into 2-3 hours, the producers of The Chosen are taking their time. Each episode is about 40 minutes, with eight episodes in the first season. They also hope to do 8 seasons, which brings us to over 40 hours total of Jesus’ life. This means they have time to actually give Jesus a personality. We get to see him joke and laugh with his disciples. We actually get to know the disciples as well too.

They show the Jewish culture at Jesus’ time and the Roman occupation which brings to light most of what Jesus talks about. Watching this show really strengthened my relationship with Jesus and reignited my passion to follow God. This show reminded me how much God loves me, and I hope it does the same for you.

As a forewarning, they do include things that aren’t mentioned in the bible, but they are very careful with this. I have yet to see something that made me upset or that contradicted the bible. So, don’t be too critical. In fact, this show actually taught me a lot about the Bible that I never before knew was in the Bible. But don’t just take my word for it, click here to read what others are saying.

2) Binge the Bible

I know this is a little cliche, but try it. Trust me, you’ll be shocked at the things you’ll learn that you never knew before. If we have the time to read hundreds of pages in other books, why not read thirty pages in the bible? The Bible is meant to be examined, but it’s also meant to be read like a normal book. When you read it like a regular book you’ll start to see the big picture rather than zero in on a ton of little parts like we usually do. It’s like examining a rock. As cool as it might be to see the small molecular compositions, it’s also cool to step back and take a look at giant cliffs.

3) Watch Nature Shows

I’ll be honest. I love nature shows. It’s almost like hiking without all the work. (This has got to be the least Philip Wilder-esque thing I’ve ever said). I often watch nature shows and as I’m watching I’ll just talk with God and praise him for making the stunning scenery and majestic/complex animals. I think of this whole world as a gift that God’s given us so we can see his beauty, knowledge, and sovereignty. This is one of my favorite ways to spend my time with God inside.

4) Grow a Garden

I learned so much about God last year when I grew my garden. Now that it’s looking like we will have much more time on our hands this spring I’m excited to get back into it. You don’t even need a back yard. If you have a patio, or a window that get’s sunlight, I’d encourage you to try growing something. There’s something amazing the watching a whole plant grow out of a tiny seed. I mean, only an amazing God could think of something like that. And while you are at it, look up passages in the bible that talk about plants or farming. I bet you will start to understand those passages in a whole new way.

Spend Time Inside with God

We shouldn’t just burn time. God has given us this life. It’s a gift and it will only last for a limited time. We also shouldn’t spend this life focusing on ourselves and what will make us happy or comfortable. It’s fine to think about this every now and then, but we will get more than enough of that in in heaven. In this life, let’s turn away from laziness and turn to God. In the end, the closer we are with God, the more joyful we’ll be and the more we will enjoy our lives.

So let’s use this gift of time wisely to live well and live wilder!

What are some good ways that you’ve learned to spend this time productively?

If you are trying to figure out how to share the gospel during this time, you might be interested in checking out my blog: Four Ways to Share the Gospel During a Quarantine

If you are having a hard time trusting that God is in control because of this crazy season, I’d encourage you to check out my blog Three Reasons Why I think the Coronavirus is Good


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