The Christian Walk

Four Ways to Share the Gospel During a Quarantine

Being in full-time ministry, I’m in an interesting predicament of trying to figure out how I can continue to show God’s love and share the gospel with others during this time. So, I took some time to brainstorm some ways that I can continue doing ministry even while I’m supposed to be away from others. So, here’s four ways to share the Gospel during a quarantine.

#1 Call, FaceTime, or Skype Old Friends/family

I’m guessing we all have those friends/family that we haven’t talked to in a long time. Perhaps there are those people that you’ve been wanting to call for a while now, but just never had the chance. Well, now you do. Odds are, they are just as bored as you are and would love to talk. Strategically pick the people who aren’t believers and use this time as an opportunity to share the gospel. If you don’t know how to steer the conversation to talk about the gospel, I included a link at the bottom of this blog that will help a lot.

#2 Help Your Neighbors

Most of us have elderly neighbors, though you should be careful to keep your distance, you can still use your newfound free time to either run and get them groceries or do some yard work for them. Hopefully at some point you will strike up a conversation with them, in which case, you can direct this to the gospel.

#3 Instagram/Facebook Live

I’ve seen several people do this already and every time they get a lot of positive feedback. You have friends who trust and respect you. Perhaps you are the only Christian they trust. If so, host a Facebook live video on your phone where you either share your testimony, an evangelistic message, or you can simply hold a Q&A time about Christianity and the Bible.

#4 Go to a Park

In the last few days I’ve noticed a massive influx of people going on walks. Some walk through neighborhoods, others through parks, and still more on popular trails. Most of these people are just out to stretch their legs after being locked up all day. This means they are in no hurry and are often times more than willing to stop and talk, assuming you keep six feet away.

How Do you Share the Gospel?

The good news is that you and everyone you come in contact with share one thing in common, this pandemic is crazy, and everyone’s learning how to adjust to the quarantine. Which means, starting a conversation should be pretty easy. All you need to do is relate to them. Whether you’re talking on the phone or you just started up some small talk with a fellow walker waiting with you at a traffic light, ask them how they are doing and how they are managing this pandemic.

If you’d like some more information on how to share the gospel, check out this great evangelism strategy developed by one of our key ministry partners: One Minute Witness. This approach will be really easy and fluid during this season. You can even start it with, “Excuse me, I’m just trying to help brighten people’s day during this pandemic by asking them a quick question, would you mind if I ask you what the best thing is that’s ever happened to you?” Who would turn down such an offer? And better yet, no one’s going to get mad at you for asking.

The link above shares how to do this well, but the basic idea is to listen to their answer, ask some follow up questions, and then–if they don’t ask you first–ask if you can share the best thing that’s ever happened to you? This is when you quickly share your testimony in under a minute or so. Don’t worry, the link helps you summarize your testimony into a quick and impactful story.

We Must Share the Gospel During this Quarantine

Think about it, what’s stopping you? You aren’t going to get thrown in jail or beheaded like many Christians around the world must face. I by no means wish to guilt-trip anyone, but it’s important for us all to know what’s at stake. Just think about how much God has done for you. How could you not want that for others? There are so many people who are absolutely terrified right now and would love to find deep peace knowing that there’s a loving God who is in control. You hold the news that will solve their anxiety, hopelessness, insecurity, depression, loneliness, meaninglessness, and addictions. Beyond all of this we are talking about the difference between an eternity of torment or an eternity of living in the presence of our wonderful creator. How could we keep this from others?

So, let’s take that wild step of faith and share God’s love with others. Let’s live wilder.

If you have questions about how to share your faith, please let me know, this is what I’m here for.

If you are looking for some additional encouragement in regards to sharing your faith, then you may do well with reading my blog Wake Up O Sleeper

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