The Adventurous Life, The Christian Walk

What Do You Do If You Think God’s Calling You to Do the Impossible?

There’s an ache in your bones. You’ve held a dream for so long, but you can’t decide if this passion is just a childhood fantasy or a god-given dream. Should you step out and do what others say is impossible? Or should you do something more “realistic”? Is abandoning this dream wise or a lack of faith. We all wrestle with these questions and I hope this blog post will grant you some clarity.

Don’t Limit God With the Impossible

First things first. God is capable of the impossible. It’s very possible God’s called you to do something that’s never been done before. Perhaps for the first time ever, everything’s lined up to make this dream achievable.

If God truly has called you to do something, then DO NOT give up. Even if it seems impossible, fight like your life depends on it; because, if God’s called you to it, then someone’s life does depend on this dream of yours. Probably thousands of souls depend on it.

The path won’t be easy. Expect hundreds of hurdles in your future, because Satan will do anything to keep you from accomplishing this burning dream God’s set in your heart. Whenever you face resistance or difficulties, cling to God. Read his word and pray as you’ve never prayed before.

You aren’t fighting this battle alone. An uncountable number of people need you to do what God is calling you to do.

“Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.” -Winston Churchill

Is This Actually God’s Calling?

If God did call you to do this, then the simple answer is to never quit. However, if you are like me, doubts are sure to come. Or perhaps you were never certain God called you to this. This is when you must re-evaluate. Did God call you in the first place?

I can’t speak for you, so you need to check your own heart, but I can give you a few pointers as to how you can check your heart.

First, spend some time journaling why you want to see this dream be fulfilled. This is just for you, so don’t show anyone else and be brutally honest. These are the things you should evaluate:

  • Do you only want to see this dream be fulfilled for selfish reasons? If so, then perhaps this is your dream and not actually God’s calling.
  • Are you primarily excited about this dream because you know it will be a big blessing to others? If so, then perhaps this really is God’s calling for you.
  • Are you willing to patiently work for years without giving up? Where’s your commitment level at, because this dream may require a long-term plan and lots of hard work?

Strip this dream of any selfish motives attached to it to evaluate whether or not this dream truly is centered on loving others rather than yourself. If you couldn’t tell anyone about what you are building towards, would you still do it? If it didn’t make you any money would you still pursue it?

Don’t sell yourself out. Stay true to your dream, but be willing to be flexible with the path.

What if you knew you’d die before reaching this goal? Would you still do it if someone else picked it up where you left off and stole all the fame and glory when they carried it out to completion? If you can honestly answer that you’d be excited if someone else accomplished this dream instead of you, then perhaps this dream is God’s calling for you.

Weighing Your Impossible Dream With Reality

So let’s say after testing this dream you know it’s God’s calling, how much should you compromise with reality?

This is a hard question.

God’s put several books on my heart, but from all that I’ve heard from publishing houses, these books aren’t what most would want to publish, nor would they sell well. Does that mean I change them? Do I need to conform to the times, or will God split the Red Sea and make a way for me?

To be honest, I just don’t know.

What I do know is to take it one day at a time. My job is to follow God and do what I can/what he tells me. I may need to adapt my books, or perhaps a miraculous door will open.

I’ve been learning that I need to hold this calling God has given me with open hands. There’s a lot of specifics about this dream that I’m not certain about. I think God is going to bring these books into millions of hands, but I could be wrong, and I need to be okay if my book sales are far less.

The same goes for you. Be humble. Ask professionals for advice. Ask friends and family and your fellow church members to pray for wisdom. When someone brings a change to mind, consider it, pray about it, and possibly apply it.

Don’t sell yourself out. Stay true to your dream, but be willing to be flexible with the path.

Trust God to Do the Impossible

It all comes back to following God. Which means, if you don’t have a close relationship with God, then fix that first. No matter how hard you work, you will go nowhere if you aren’t walking hand-in-hand with God.

Only by walking with God will you ever be able to make good and clear decisions. Because God is so good, he cares more about your relationship with him, than he does about the work he’s going to do through you. God’s not going to bring you somewhere unless your heart is ready to point all the glory back to him.

Though we should weigh what others say, we must always follow God first. Even if the path seems impossible, trust God.

Only by following God’s untamed way above what human society says can we truly live wilder.


Is there something else important I forgot to mention? Please share any of your thoughts with me in the comments below?


If this blog helped you, I would strongly recommend you check out my book Discovering God’s Calling, which is a one-stop solution to finding your calling, making an action plan, and how to persevere in this calling when things get hard.

If you need to draw closer to God, the best way is to build your faith is by learning to depend on him. To learn how to depend on God more, check out my blog 3 Areas to Test If You Really Trust God

If you are still having a hard time discerning whether or not this dream is from yourself or God, check out my blog God’s Calling or Your Own Desire?

3 thoughts on “What Do You Do If You Think God’s Calling You to Do the Impossible?”

  1. Philip,
    I don’t think you forgot a thing. This was so encouraging to read and really got me praising God for how amazing (which is a total understatement) He is.
    This was how I felt about something I have had dreams at night about, and put off so many times because I thought I was sure ( even after it was confirmed) that it was “not my cup of tea” to do. That so called “cup of tea” is playing the keyboard and singing. Now, you know I sing, so playing the keyboard would automatically fit, right? That’s what a lot of people thought, including my parents. So, (long story short. I don’t want to write a book here haha), I started learning. And I seriously, CAN’T STOP playing and singing worship on the keyboard. I am hooked. I want to play and worship day and night. My mom has to make me stop because I play for 2 hours each day, one time for 3 and 1/2. I even played once during altar call a couple weeks ago (my pastor’s reaction was priceless because he had no idea I was learning). So.. where am I going with this? Well… here it is. What I was SURE was impossible for me and would never work, I was honestly lying to myself and totally wrong. I was SURE I was born with super long fingers and thumbs only for martial arts. WRONG again. It was for piano. It was so I could worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth. That realization? To me? Is totally mind blowing.
    Wonderful post, once again, Philip! I’ll send you a video of my playing when I can if you want, let me know. 🙂

    1. Wonderful! I’m so glad you were able to press through and do what you never before believed to be possible.

      1. Yep, God’s been working on us all. Molding us, shaping us. All for His Glory. Praise God!

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