The Adventurous Life

How Can We Follow God’s Intricate Plan?

The world is so vast, and we are so small. You could dedicate your life to discovering every nook and cranny, but you’ll never finish exploring it all. It’s just simply too big, extravagant, complex, intricate, and wondrous. Then step outside of our planet, and you have a universe so enormous it would take thousands of generations just to travel a fraction of its width. With such a massive universe, how do we fit into it all? And how can we ever hope to live out God’s calling for us if it’s too intricate to comprehend?

God’s Intricate Web

Ever since the beginning, mankind has always found nature profound. We’ve studied and tested the various elements for thousands of years and there’s still so much more to explore and understand. The complexity of it all is beyond comprehension. Surely, the creator of this planet and universe is a being so knowledgeable and wise that we could spend an eternity and never even come close to understanding his entirety.

God only designs intricate and mind-bending things.

If you doubt this, just look at the ecosystem around you. A blade of grass grows up out of the rich bio in the soil and feeds off the sun only to then get eaten by a grasshopper, who then gets eaten by a bird. This bird flies hundreds of miles before it too is eaten by a coyote. This coyote later dies and fungi break apart its body to then create rich soil for another plant to grow.

Then there’s the water cycle that feeds a relentless cycle of erosion. There’s the carbon cycle that ever-flows from animals to plants via the air, only to again be eaten by animals and later breathed out. There’s the constant recycling of rocks and snow mass. Life fights and dances its way toward survival to have babies to reset the death clock before their bodies grow too weak.

God is the creator of this intricate web, and he’s the one who made us and calls us.

God’s Intricate Calling

Just as he does with nature, God works and moves through us in five notable ways and another 10,000 unnoticed ways. He gives us a calling and leads us, meanwhile the path is clearing out before us by plans he set in motion hundreds of years before we were even born. And our path paves the way for hundreds of more people following his will.

We see this time and time again in the Bible. Even before a great famine comes to the land, God works through wicked brothers to get his servant Joseph into position: The royal Egyptian jail. Through jail, he meets an odd person with an odd need.

God moves powerfully through Joseph to predict this man’s future by interpreting his dream. This does nothing for Joseph, who is still locked away in jail. But, then one day, this one guy Joseph helped—who forgot all about Joseph—just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

Pharoah had a disturbing dream and needed someone to interpret it. This man then remembered Joseph and told Pharoah. God works again through Joseph and reveals to Pharoah that he must store up as much grain as possible because a massive famine is about to come. Through this warning, Egypt, and all the surrounding lands and their inhabitants (including Joseph’s brothers and family) are saved.

This is how God works and moves.

How Can You Follow God’s Calling?

If God moves in thousands of ways that we can’t even perceive, then how can we ever hope to follow his leading? God may or may not give you a direct and clear calling for your life. Instead, he may just ask you to follow him day by day to follow his leading and love others.

But, you can’t do either of these if you aren’t walking close with Jesus.

Imagine you’re a lightbulb, and your calling is to shine the light wherever you go. This is pretty easy if you stay connected to the lamp, but the moment you try going your own and separate way from the lamp, your light will cease to shine.

God only designs intricate and mind-bending things.

If God is moving in 10,000 ways that we can’t even comprehend, then we can’t be too focused on the one calling God has given us. We must instead make sure to seek him with every step. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean we have to focus on our calling and on loving God and loving others every second of every day.

Jesus makes it easy for us. All we need to do is love him, and seek his will. And naturally, the closer we walk with him, the easier it will be for us to see what he’s calling us to do.

This is the Holy Spirit at work within us. Just like the lightbulb turning on the moment it’s connected with the lamp, so the Holy Spirit will move through and lead us when we are connected with Christ.

Focus On Jesus

That’s the simple answer. Focus on Jesus and let Him flow through you. Just as Jesus says in John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

When we abide in Jesus, naturally fruit will flow out. Plants don’t exert much effort in producing fruit. It just happens. So is the case with following Christ.

So, follow Jesus and watch as God’s intricate and elaborate plan unveils around you. I’ve seen it happen numerous times in my life and I hope you can see the truth of this in your near future as you follow Christ.

But, this life won’t be normal. God’s going to lead you to some pretty odd things, but it will all come together in one way or another to make sense. Still, that means we trust God and do as he says even if it doesn’t make total sense. When we step out in faith we start on our own wild adventure.

Now that’s living wilder!

How have you seen God’s intricate plan at work in your life?


If you liked this blog post, I’d strongly encourage you to check out my post: Two Keys to a Life of Meaning and Adventure

Additionally, if you are still trying to figure out what God’s calling is for your life, check out my post: Discovering God’s Calling for Your Life

1 thought on “How Can We Follow God’s Intricate Plan?”

  1. Philip, this nugget, right here. Is golden. Absolutely golden.
    “Imagine you’re a lightbulb, and your calling is to shine the light wherever you go. This is pretty easy if you stay connected to the lamp, but the moment you try going your own and separate way from the lamp, your light will cease to shine.”
    This was so good to read, though I am sure I say that about your posts each time. I have been working hard to finish my bible college through Victory Tulsa in Spring 2021, instead of my plan, Summer 2022. Because then, I am going to study through Crown College, their online campus through Minneapolis, Minn. and get my business degree- starting with associates, then bachelors, then masters. So through all the work I’ve been doing, this post is a nice break and refresher and a chance to slow down and sink deep into the nature and character of our Father.

    For your question: How have you seen God’s intricate plan at work in your life?
    Yes! One- when I participated in Public Speaking for the first time. I KNOW God has called me somewhere in there. And two- when I began learning piano, one service at church a few weeks ago, the Spirit moved so strongly that all the musicians were busy in God’s presence. So… I walked up to the platform, feeling the Lord was leading me to the keyboard. And I played during altar call for the first time. It was a glimpse of where I’ll be one day with my playing when the Lord brings me to a higher level in ministering through song on the keyboard.
    That’s what I’ve got for ya!
    I love reading these blog posts. Have a great day! 🙂

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