My Story

The Miraculous Story of How We Bought Our Townhome

Let me share a story with you about God’s goodness and provision. Two years ago today my wife and I bought our small townhouse. But how we got here and why this story is so significant will blow your mind. I hope this story will encourage you and remind you that God is good even if it doesn’t appear so on the surface.

The Set Up

The story starts on my 27th birthday back in August 2020. In preparation for getting married, we visited the small town of Windsor, Colorado to check out apartments to live in. While we were doing so, we stumbled across a townhouse that was selling for far less than we expected and was actually within our price range. I spent my whole birthday trying to get things in order to put in an offer on it, only to discover after hours of work that they took someone else’s offer.

We left feeling frustrated and confused. What was God doing? Why did he let us raise our hopes so high? But deep inside me, I knew God was doing something I didn’t understand.

We ended up deciding to rent another townhome in the same complex. Since our wedding was still two months away, the landlord told us he’d hold the townhome for us without requiring us to pay rent before we moved in.

His generosity moved and convicted us. We felt prompted by God to inform him that we might not be renting from him for very long but instead hoped to buy a house in a few months. Surprisingly, he said that was fine.

The Miracle

Flash forward to December. We had just settled into the rental and were amazed at all the incredible evangelistic opportunities around us. Due to the communal trash and mailbox, and the lack of garages, we met tons of our neighbors and began great relationships with all of them.

As we continued searching for houses, none of them were within our price range and we didn’t feel peace about them. We also started realizing, why make a “smart” financial decision if it meant leaving a spot where we were already starting to see lots of spiritual fruit? We were faced with an uncomfortable question: which is more important, being set financially, or reaching the lost?

We decided to stay in the townhome. Seconds after we agreed on this decision, my wife prayed, “but, God, if it be your will, please open the door for us to buy this townhome.” This was an off-handed prayer that we didn’t think much about until just a few days later when our landlord approached us and asked if we’d like to buy this townhome from him.

Our hopes soared! When he left, we praised God and eagerly told our close family and friends. Everything seemed to be going great and we went under contract with a much better deal than we expected. We were even able to adopt our adorable self-righteous dog named Toraz, despite the landlord’s no-pet policy because we were just two weeks away from closing. We immediately fell in love with the snuggly little punk, who only wanted to sleep next to us as we worked and sleep in the sun.

The Storm

Then the storm struck.

New news came out which prevented us from getting a regular mortgage. Instead of putting down 5%, we had to put down 20%. This meant, we had to go from paying $10,000 upfront to $40,000. We didn’t have that sort of money.

We scrambled, calling one lender after another to see if anyone could offer us a mortgage we could afford, yet everyone ran into this same problem. Our real estate agent also poured tons of hours into calling lenders even though she was taking such a small cut. Some different loan options opened up, but none that would’ve been smart or very sustainable for the long run.

The more days passed the more impossible buying this townhome became. We spent many hours crying and in prayer, and many sleepless nights. However, our dream continued slipping out of our fingers. As it became apparent it wasn’t going to work, our landlord told us we had to give back our new dog.

I will never forget watching my wife cry in our brown armchair, holding our new little doggy for the last time before we returned him. How could God do this? Why was he doing it again?

Something broke within me at this sight, and I knew deep in my soul that this is not how the story would end. We had to buy this house. Somehow God would make a way. I just knew it.

The Resolution

The next day I made a few calls. The best offer we had for a mortgage was a fifteen-year fixed loan with 20% down, but how was I going to come up with the $20,000 we didn’t have? I made another call to my grandparents, I knew they’d be willing to loan the money, but I didn’t want to ask this of them before because I hate debt. But with what God had spoken to me just the night before, I knew I had to try.

I felt total peace throughout our conversation, and they were more than eager to loan us the money.

So that’s what we did. On February 16th, 2021, we closed on this house.

The Reason

Looking back, I can see just why God wanted us to be here.

First, it’s obvious to me that this story would’ve never happened if we weren’t faithful. If we didn’t risk paying extra by being honest to tell our landlord we were hoping to buy a house, he would’ve never offered us his townhome. If we didn’t commit to prioritize reaching the lost over being financially secure, I’m confident God would’ve never prompted our landlord to offer us the townhome.

Us getting this house is a testament to the truth of Matthew 6:31-33: “Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Additionally, this townhome has been a blessing in so many ways, not only is it the perfect situation we needed to prepare us financially for the future, we’ve been able to bless so many people by living in this little townhome.

We’ve regularly been able to bring six of our neighbor kiddos to church, two of which have trusted in Christ. We’ve also brought many of their parents to church, though not nearly as regularly. We’ve gotten to serve and encourage them on a weekly basis. We’ve also had a garden each summer from which we readily give away the produce to our neighbors.

Then there’s our little family with this little wiener dog named Toraz. I can’t tell you the joy he’s brought to our lives, but I hope these pictures below will show enough of it. Every time I see him snuggling up against my wife in our brown armchair, I’m reminded of that day we were preparing to give him away. I remember my wife’s tears and our breaking hearts. And I remember the revelation God gave me, that this was not how the story would end.

He was right.

The Application

Friends, it’s so easy to doubt God. It’s easy to forget he’s moving. But I can testify that He is good. He is alive and active. He cares for you. He loves you.

I hope this story encourages you and reminds you that God writes beautiful stories. He longs to bless us. Sometimes he lets us walk through trials, and sometimes we might not see the reason. This is where trust comes in. If you are in the midst of the storm, keep your eyes fixed on Him. He is there, and He cares for you.

This is how we live wilder.



If this story encouraged you, I recommend you check out some of my other personal stories of all the other incredible ways God’s moved in our lives.



Rhonda Snyder (our realtor), if you are reading this, thank you. You are a gift from God. Without you, none of this would’ve been possible. Your sacrifice and generosity is multiplying. And when we walk into eternity, I know many will have you to thank for them coming to know Christ.

Grandpa and Grandma, we are blown away by your generosity. Thank you. Thank you for trusting us and showing this love to us. I hope and pray this story helps you see just how real God is as it does for us.

And to our landlord, thank you for being God’s instrument of blessing. You have no idea just how much this home means to us.

2 thoughts on “The Miraculous Story of How We Bought Our Townhome”

  1. This is such a sweet story, Philip! God is so faithful! I hope you and the Mrs. are doing well! <3

    1. Thank you! We are doing well! God is good, even if he does lead us through hard seasons. Thank you for asking. I pray you are doing well also!

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