My Story

Did you Go on Any Fun Adventures in the Middle East?

My last few posts have been pretty serious and challenging, but I don't want any of you to think that my whole time in the Middle East was all hard. I had a ton of fun in the Middle East. So, I'm excited to answer this question "Did you go on any fun adventures in… Continue reading Did you Go on Any Fun Adventures in the Middle East?

My Story

What are Some Life-Changing Lessons You Learned from the Middle East?

Spending two years anywhere is more than enough time to learn some serious lessons about yourself, God, and the world around us. Here's a few of the most life-changing lessons I learned from my two years in the Middle East. Freedom is a Serious Blessing I had numerous friends tell me how much they longed… Continue reading What are Some Life-Changing Lessons You Learned from the Middle East?

My Story

What is Your Craziest God Story from the Middle East?

There's a lot of crazy things that happened while I was in the Middle East. When I got this question though, one particularly crazy story came to mind. It's perhaps not a huge miraculous story, but it is crazy, funny, and scary, so I think it counts. Though I was close to dying, this is… Continue reading What is Your Craziest God Story from the Middle East?

My Story

What Was Your Ministry Like in the Middle East?

Ministry looked very different in the Middle East. There were lots of extra hurdles we had to clear to do ministry effectively. All of this made ministry in the Middle East look completely different than ministry here in the US. So what was ministry like in the Middle East? Ministry in the Middle East was… Continue reading What Was Your Ministry Like in the Middle East?

My Story

Why Did You Go to the Middle East?

As I've conversed with people the past several months, I've gotten a lot of questions about my time in the Middle East. As much as I'd rather use these blogs to help and encourage you all rather than talk about myself, I've learned recently that by sharing my story I can help a lot of… Continue reading Why Did You Go to the Middle East?

The Christian Walk

Four Principles of the Christian Life

What is the Christian life? Why do we follow God? Is it just so we can feel his peace? Have an easy life? Get rich? This is often what Christians say and how they live their lives, but it's all wrong. These beliefs lead to an entitled mindset. These are people who only follow God… Continue reading Four Principles of the Christian Life

The Christian Walk

How to Join God’s Army

Imagine an army where everyone did whatever they thought best and no one gave any orders. There's no squads or units, just lone soldiers roaming. I don't think this army would do well at all. Every army needs structure. Commanders need to command so people know what to do. Soldiers need to listen for logistics… Continue reading How to Join God’s Army

The Adventurous Life

It’s Not About Me

Forgive me, my wonderful readers. I'm an imperfect mess, as you will quickly discover the more you read my posts, books, or updates. Fortunately, it's not about me. Recently I've been distracted from my mission and have been focusing on myself. I got stuck with the mentality that everyone following Philip Wilder was following it… Continue reading It’s Not About Me

The Adventurous Life

What Does it Mean to Live Wilder?

As I picked my new name, I had to ask myself what does it mean to live wilder. There's a lot of incorrect definitions of wild living. When I say "live Wilder," I don’t mean reckless living or a ruthless personality. It doesn’t mean selfishly getting what you want regardless of rules or how it… Continue reading What Does it Mean to Live Wilder?