The Adventurous Life

Why Do You Fight?

Sometimes we slide into autopilot. We fall into a routine and just keep moving forward without much thought of why we are pressing forward or where we are going. This sort of autopilot life breeds dissatisfaction, frustration, discouragement, and a plethora of other problems. So let’s get back to the point. Why do you fight? Why are you here? What’s your purpose in life?

What’s Your Goal in life?

We all need goals. Without a goal, we are like a ship just letting the current carry us around and around in circles. When the end of our lives come, we will look back and wonder, “Did I do anything important with my life?”

So, what is your goal in life? What are you living for? What do you hope to accomplish before you die? I don’t mean to be morbid, I just want to be real. You only have one life here on this planet, and there’s no “undo” button.

Many people will walk through life without a goal because they can’t think of any meaningful aspirations. After all, what good is the goal of becoming a millionaire when you die? What good is traveling the world when you are dead? And what good is becoming famous when in 40 years no one will remember you?

The best sort of goals are those that 1) focus on caring for others, 2) will live beyond our short lives, 3) will make this world a better place, and 4) will never fail you.

The Best Goal I’ve Found

I’ll be honest, I don’t always live up to this goal, but I do try. When I reach frustrating seasons, I’m forced to ask myself, “Why do I fight?” This goal always encourages me onward. My goal is simple, to love God and walk through life with him. Out of this goal flows my second and third goals: to love others, and help others love God. This has been my goal for at least ten years now, and I can promise that it never fails to keep me going. 

This goal satisfies all those categories I mentioned before. Following God causes me to love others. I know the impact that I make by loving others and pointing them to God will live far beyond me. I truly believe the world is a much better place when more people are following God. And, I know God will never fail me. He will never be outdated, nor will I reach a point in which following God becomes boring or unfulfilling.

Why Do You Fight?

Seek out your own goal in life. With a goal, each year you live according to that goal will be rich and rewarding. I’d also encourage you to have a goal that fulfills those four categories. If your goal meets these four categories, then there’s a much greater chance it will keep you going through the hard seasons.

I’d also strongly encourage you to try out the same goal as me. God is so good. I wish I could fully explain to you how much I mean this. I follow him because I love him, and there’s nothing more worthwhile to me. I don’t follow him because he gives me true and deep joy, love, peace, and purpose, though these are all true. I follow him simply because I love him. These other things are an extra benefit. So, if loving God and walking with him isn’t your reason for fighting, then I would strongly encourage you to make it so. I could talk for hours why following God is the best thing that has ever happened to me. However, this is your life and your decision.

So, why do you fight? Please comment below

If you enjoyed this post, I’d encourage you to check out my other post: Go Beyond Yourself

If you just don’t quite see why a finding your goal in life will help you, then I’d encourage you to check out my blog:Find Your Core Anchor

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