The Adventurous Life

Tortured for Christ

I know I claim to be an adventurer and risk-taker, but I definitely like comfort. It’s so safe, easy, and requires nothing from me. I wasn’t willing to go to the Middle East three months before God called me. My focus was dead set on staying in Denver with my family and friends. But God started working in my heart to prepare me for when he did call me to the Middle East. He inspired me for this scary and adventurous calling through the courage of other missionaries. I love reading the bold, brave, and rich lives of other missionaries. One missionary story I’m reading now is “Tortured for Christ” by Richard Wurmbrand. I want to encourage you to this adventurous life by sharing his journey.

True Adventure has a Purpose

Enduring difficulty is nearly impossible if we have nothing pushing us onward. Without a goal we are like driftwood floating out in the open sea going wherever the waves push us. Richard Wurmbrand endured 14 years in the Romania Communist prison because of his faith in Christ and his desire to share his faith with those around him. Somehow Richard endured the brainwashing and the brutal torture techniques. How did he do this?

All the communists gave him and the other Christians to eat each day was a single slice of bread. Seeking ways to follow God and bless to others, they decided to tithe with this bread. Every tenth day, they’d take their single slice of bread and give it to someone more needy than they. Imagine that. We yell at bad drivers, and get mad at those in front of us who take forever in line. How could Richard and the other believers in prison do something so sacrificial and deny themselves to the point of starvation?

When we have a purpose that goes far beyond ourselves, we can live rich and meaningful lives. Think about this. Name one admirable character in a movie or book who didn’t risk their own life or well-being to help another. I myself can’t think of anyone. That’s because true adventure has a purpose. And when we step out to love others for the sake of the gospel, we can endure all things and be satisfied in every dismal situation. This is the true meaning of Philippians 4:13 when Paul says “I can endure all these things through the power of the one who gives me strength.”

Tortured For Christ

If our focus is on ourselves, we will go nowhere and do nothing admirable. Sure, people might praise our names because of some great achievement, but in heaven, that won’t matter. They might call us brilliant or clever, but none of this will make us good people. And none of this will fulfill our inner desire for adventure.

Only when we sacrifice for others, and follow the passions God has instilled within us to help others, we can find true adventure. This is the adventure God planned out before us. We will endure all things as we lean upon Christ for our strength because our goals aren’t selfish. We may be tortured for Christ like Richard Wurmbrand, but will come out stronger than ever with an amazing and inspiring story like his.

Some Westerners met Richard after his 14 years of torture. They couldn’t fathom that this joyful and bubbly man could be the one who went through such extreme torment.

Several years ago when I first started reading stories like this, I thought to myself, “How could I possibly be satisfied with anything other than a life like this?” So I ask you now this same question. How could you possibly live for anything less? Life is not meant to be boring. God created us for an adventurous, vibrant, and meaningful life. So why not follow him to that life? Why not live wilder?

You can buy Tortured for Christ by going to

If you want to get involved in helping persecuted believers around the world or read other amazing and inspiring missionary stories, check out The Voice of the Martrys at

If you’d like to hear more about missionaries in communist Romania, you can check out my interview with with Russ Akins by clicking here.

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