The Christian Walk

Why God Lets Bad Things Happen

Interestingly enough, two of the biggest reasons why people don't believe in God and the Gospel are because they believe almost everyone is good in nature and because they don't understand how God could let bad things happen. Both of these reasons actually contradict each other, but let's address them separately. I've already blogged about… Continue reading Why God Lets Bad Things Happen

The Adventurous Life, The Christian Walk

When Dreams Hurt

I'm not a very emotional guy. My wife has seen me cry three times, but as I write this, I fight back tears. Perhaps you are like me. I don't know if this will touch or inspire you, but I know this will resonate with someone. Because I know I'm not alone in this deep… Continue reading When Dreams Hurt

The Adventurous Life, The Christian Walk

Can You Let Go?

We all have dreams, ambitions, and desires that have followed us from youth. They are the hopes we can't shake no matter how busy life gets. But can you let go of it? Should you let go of it? And how do you know if giving it up is giving up or trusting God? My… Continue reading Can You Let Go?

Flash Fiction, Thrive Stories

The Dangerous Book

A rapid knock interrupted Stace from her reading. The library closed forty minutes ago, who could possibly want in? Whatever. Stace shook her head and turned back to her book The Nation of Robots by Claudia Bostraeu, which was the best selling book of 2050. The knock resounded through the quiet building once again. Now,… Continue reading The Dangerous Book

My Story

My Calling In Life

"What is my calling in life?" I've written tons of posts and a book (Discovering God's Calling) to help you find your adventurous calling from God. But why do I do this? In this post, I want to share my calling, and explain why I do the things I do. The Unacceptable Need I spent two years… Continue reading My Calling In Life

My Story, The Christian Walk

The Miracle God Did In Our Lives

There are so many verses that say God will give us whatever we ask of him. However, we forget that in most instances these verses are in the context of praying according to God's will. I have prayers I've been praying for over ten years that are still unanswered, but just recently God answered our… Continue reading The Miracle God Did In Our Lives

The Adventurous Life

God Is Not Safe

After many conversations with friends, strangers, and college students, I've come to realize that our society views God as a warm friend, who's always there to help them whenever something goes wrong. He always loves, never judges, and never hates. Though this is true to a degree, there's also something beautiful and amazing that our… Continue reading God Is Not Safe

The Christian Walk, Uncategorized

7 Hidden Ways God Is Working In Your Life

I've seen God move in incredible ways just as you probably have over the years. However, these incredible God stories are few and far between. Are these really the only times when God's moved? Or has he moved in other ways and we just forget or don't see it? In this blog, I want to… Continue reading 7 Hidden Ways God Is Working In Your Life

Flash Fiction

Together Forever

Daniel quickly turned and paddled. The wave swelled around him. Once it seemed the wave was about to break upon him, he pushed up to his feet. As he tried to stand, he tipped and got one more mouth full of saltwater. He surfaced, smacked the water with his fist, and gave a frustrated yell.… Continue reading Together Forever

My Story, The Christian Walk

God’s Intricate Plan: How I Met My Wife

You might be going through a hard time right now. Something might've happened recently that makes no sense to you and you're beginning to wonder if God really does care about you or if he even has an intricate plan for you. Recently, God's blown me away by showing me all the intricate ways he's… Continue reading God’s Intricate Plan: How I Met My Wife