The Adventurous Life

How Can We Follow God’s Intricate Plan?

The world is so vast, and we are so small. You could dedicate your life to discovering every nook and cranny, but you'll never finish exploring it all. It's just simply too big, extravagant, complex, intricate, and wondrous. Then step outside of our planet, and you have a universe so enormous it would take thousands… Continue reading How Can We Follow God’s Intricate Plan?

The Adventurous Life, The Christian Walk

What Do You Do If You Think God’s Calling You to Do the Impossible?

There's an ache in your bones. You've held a dream for so long, but you can't decide if this passion is just a childhood fantasy or a god-given dream. Should you step out and do what others say is impossible? Or should you do something more "realistic"? Is abandoning this dream wise or a lack… Continue reading What Do You Do If You Think God’s Calling You to Do the Impossible?

The Christian Walk

3 Reasons Why Satan Loves Video Games, Movies, and Fiction Books

Let me start by making it very clear that I play video games, I love movies, and I write fiction books. I don't think any of these are inherently bad or evil, but they are a tool. Just like any tool, they can be used for good or bad. Unfortunately, I think for many of… Continue reading 3 Reasons Why Satan Loves Video Games, Movies, and Fiction Books

The Adventurous Life

How Do We Live Wilder?

In my book Discovering God's Calling and in many of my blog posts I talk about living wilder. But how do we take this idea and make it applicable? Can everyone live wilder? Or is this lifestyle only available to singles who are able to travel and explore this world? How do we live wilder?… Continue reading How Do We Live Wilder?

The Adventurous Life

Discovering God’s Calling (Guest Post/Author Interview)

I had the honor of guest posting on another blog this week. The host interviewed me about my book Discovering God's Calling and asked some really intriguing and important questions. Check it out! I'll post the beginning below but click here to go to the original blog. Discovering God's Calling By Philip Wilder Today is… Continue reading Discovering God’s Calling (Guest Post/Author Interview)

The Adventurous Life

INTO THE WILD: How To Fight Your Fear of God’s Calling

Today I'd like to point to you my friend's blog who hosted me this week. This is the first part of the post, but to finish reading, you'll need to go to her blog by clicking here. I'll also be giving away a free copy of my book on her blog. Go to the link… Continue reading INTO THE WILD: How To Fight Your Fear of God’s Calling

The Adventurous Life

Why I Befriended a Known ISIS Sympathizer

"Be safe." "Don't go to dangerous places." "Don't do what you aren't comfortable with." I've heard lots of people say these things. But is this really what life is about? What if there's a grand adventure for us out there that requires us to take these risks? One big risk I took while in the… Continue reading Why I Befriended a Known ISIS Sympathizer

The Adventurous Life

3 Reasons Why You Should Take that First Step of Faith

Sometimes we reach places in life where we just aren't sure where God's calling us to go. In those moments, what do we do? Do we stop and wait? Maybe. But, oftentimes we just need to take that first step of faith. Though there are many valid reasons why we should wait for God to… Continue reading 3 Reasons Why You Should Take that First Step of Faith

The Adventurous Life

Tortured for Christ

I know I claim to be an adventurer and risk-taker, but I definitely like comfort. It's so safe, easy, and requires nothing from me. I wasn't willing to go to the Middle East three months before God called me. My focus was dead set on staying in Denver with my family and friends. But God… Continue reading Tortured for Christ

My Story

What are Some Life-Changing Lessons You Learned from the Middle East?

Spending two years anywhere is more than enough time to learn some serious lessons about yourself, God, and the world around us. Here's a few of the most life-changing lessons I learned from my two years in the Middle East. Freedom is a Serious Blessing I had numerous friends tell me how much they longed… Continue reading What are Some Life-Changing Lessons You Learned from the Middle East?