The Adventurous Life

God Desires to Use You!

If you are like me, sometimes it's easy to feel as if God shouldn't use us. We are too messed up, too selfish, too unknowledgeable. I can't tell you the number of times I've taken a step back and thanked God for choosing to use me even though I didn't feel like I deserved to… Continue reading God Desires to Use You!

The Christian Walk

Should we Do what God wants or Follow Him?

I'm a doer. I love doing things. Sometimes it's hard for me to stop doing things. When it comes to being a Christian, I do what I'm supposed to do. To be honest, sometimes I get frustrated at those who don't do what the Bible says. But here's the truth, doing what the Bible tells… Continue reading Should we Do what God wants or Follow Him?

The Adventurous Life

Why Do You Fight?

Sometimes we slide into autopilot. We fall into a routine and just keep moving forward without much thought of why we are pressing forward or where we are going. This sort of autopilot life breeds dissatisfaction, frustration, discouragement, and a plethora of other problems. So let's get back to the point. Why do you fight?… Continue reading Why Do You Fight?

The Adventurous Life

Tortured for Christ

I know I claim to be an adventurer and risk-taker, but I definitely like comfort. It's so safe, easy, and requires nothing from me. I wasn't willing to go to the Middle East three months before God called me. My focus was dead set on staying in Denver with my family and friends. But God… Continue reading Tortured for Christ

The Christian Walk

Four Ways to Share the Gospel During a Quarantine

Being in full-time ministry, I'm in an interesting predicament of trying to figure out how I can continue to show God's love and share the gospel with others during this time. So, I took some time to brainstorm some ways that I can continue doing ministry even while I'm supposed to be away from others.… Continue reading Four Ways to Share the Gospel During a Quarantine

The Christian Walk

Three Reasons Why I think the Coronavirus is Good

First of all, I want to make it very clear that I'm not glad this pandemic is happening. Thousands have died and our economy is going nuts. I'm not glad about any of this. If I had the ability to flip a switch and make it never happen, you can bet I would do so… Continue reading Three Reasons Why I think the Coronavirus is Good

Episode 10: Respectfully Reaching Indigenous Tribes with Matt and Sophia McCann (Part 1)

In this episode, I interview Matt and Sophia McCann who are currently doing missions work in Peru. Matt and Sophia share about their challenging work of reaching natives and how they have to balance respecting the culture of the Yanesha people while also being willing to point them to Biblical truths. Check out the last… Continue reading Episode 10: Respectfully Reaching Indigenous Tribes with Matt and Sophia McCann (Part 1)

My Story

What is Your Craziest God Story from the Middle East?

There's a lot of crazy things that happened while I was in the Middle East. When I got this question though, one particularly crazy story came to mind. It's perhaps not a huge miraculous story, but it is crazy, funny, and scary, so I think it counts. Though I was close to dying, this is… Continue reading What is Your Craziest God Story from the Middle East?

My Story

What Was Your Ministry Like in the Middle East?

Ministry looked very different in the Middle East. There were lots of extra hurdles we had to clear to do ministry effectively. All of this made ministry in the Middle East look completely different than ministry here in the US. So what was ministry like in the Middle East? Ministry in the Middle East was… Continue reading What Was Your Ministry Like in the Middle East?