The Adventurous Life

What’s Harder than Dying for Your Faith?

Are you willing to die for your faith? I'd like to think I could answer yes to this question. Can you? But did you know that there's actually something harder and requires an even greater love for Christ than dying for your faith? Let me explain. What Does it Mean to Die for your Faith?… Continue reading What’s Harder than Dying for Your Faith?

The Adventurous Life

3 Reasons Why You Should Take that First Step of Faith

Sometimes we reach places in life where we just aren't sure where God's calling us to go. In those moments, what do we do? Do we stop and wait? Maybe. But, oftentimes we just need to take that first step of faith. Though there are many valid reasons why we should wait for God to… Continue reading 3 Reasons Why You Should Take that First Step of Faith

The Adventurous Life

2 Ways to Answer Your Heart’s Cry for Adventure

Is your life meaningful? Are you excited to wake up each day? Do you feel like you are making a difference in the world? Does your life feel like an adventure? Last week I shared some challenging words from my heart in my post 3 Reasons Why I’m Mad at the American Church, and I… Continue reading 2 Ways to Answer Your Heart’s Cry for Adventure

Flash Fiction, The Adventurous Life

Dear Soldier, Do You Remember?

Dear Soldier, We don't know if you remember us or not, but we've been trying to catch your attention. No, don't ignore this letter. You aren't reading this by accident. Yes, you are a soldier, but you may have forgotten this truth. Let us explain. You were sent out into battle quite some time ago.… Continue reading Dear Soldier, Do You Remember?

The Christian Walk

How does God Speak to Us?

Maybe you've been urgently pleading with God to give you wisdom or direction on an issue or topic. Or, perhaps something interesting just happened and you aren't quite sure what God is trying to say through it or if he's trying to say anything at all. So, how does God speak to us? Should we… Continue reading How does God Speak to Us?

The Adventurous Life

God Desires to Use You!

If you are like me, sometimes it's easy to feel as if God shouldn't use us. We are too messed up, too selfish, too unknowledgeable. I can't tell you the number of times I've taken a step back and thanked God for choosing to use me even though I didn't feel like I deserved to… Continue reading God Desires to Use You!

The Adventurous Life

Tortured for Christ

I know I claim to be an adventurer and risk-taker, but I definitely like comfort. It's so safe, easy, and requires nothing from me. I wasn't willing to go to the Middle East three months before God called me. My focus was dead set on staying in Denver with my family and friends. But God… Continue reading Tortured for Christ

The Christian Walk

Four Ways to Share the Gospel During a Quarantine

Being in full-time ministry, I'm in an interesting predicament of trying to figure out how I can continue to show God's love and share the gospel with others during this time. So, I took some time to brainstorm some ways that I can continue doing ministry even while I'm supposed to be away from others.… Continue reading Four Ways to Share the Gospel During a Quarantine

Episode 11: Persevering Through Difficulty with Matt and Sophia McCann (Part 2)

In this episode, I interview Matt and Sophia McCann who focus on sharing the gospel with the Yanesha people in Peru. Matt and Sophia share about how they knew God was calling them to Peru, the difficulties they faced, how they persevered, and some of the amazing stories God brought about already just in their… Continue reading Episode 11: Persevering Through Difficulty with Matt and Sophia McCann (Part 2)

My Story

What are Some Life-Changing Lessons You Learned from the Middle East?

Spending two years anywhere is more than enough time to learn some serious lessons about yourself, God, and the world around us. Here's a few of the most life-changing lessons I learned from my two years in the Middle East. Freedom is a Serious Blessing I had numerous friends tell me how much they longed… Continue reading What are Some Life-Changing Lessons You Learned from the Middle East?