

The Big Bang Has Been Debunked

I’ve seen the day coming, but it’s much closer now than I expected. With all the conversations I’ve had with people I’ve seen a slow shift away from the idea of the big bang. And so, something else is rising up to take its place. What is this new thing? How has the big bang… Continue reading The Big Bang Has Been Debunked

Evangelism, The Christian Walk

How To Go On Adventures Every Day

We all want our lives to be full of adventure, but, unless you live out in the wilderness, you can't really go on adventures every day. But, there is one exception to this common truth. You don't have to trudge through life waiting and longing for that fun adventure three months away. I have a… Continue reading How To Go On Adventures Every Day

The Gospel in Creation

Is Grass Smarter Than people?

Just this Saturday my wife and I finished a long road trip. As we traveled I recognized something interesting about all the plants. No matter where I went, all the plants raced desperately to produce seeds. And all this made me wonder, is grass smarter than people? I believe God wrote an endless amount of… Continue reading Is Grass Smarter Than people?

The Gospel in Creation

Nature is Disturbing

Whenever you search "nature" online you'll find beauty—as you should. Nature is beautiful. But, there’s also something secretly disturbing about nature. It’s broken, corrupted, and decaying. Something is very wrong with this planet in many different ways. And this lines up perfectly with the Bible. When we sinned, Nature fell with us. I focused on… Continue reading Nature is Disturbing

The Christian Walk

Is The American Church Broken?

I've traveled a lot, and every church has its shortcomings. Many are far worse off than the American church, but there's something very wrong with the American church and if it's not fixed soon, there will be no more church in the US. Let me share what I see, and after reading what God's burdened… Continue reading Is The American Church Broken?

The Gospel in Creation

The Show: God’s Creation Through A Poet’s Eyes

It's hard to trust God is moving or God is good when hard things happen. I'm a poet at heart and I want to use my strength and love of creation to help any of you who are in hard seasons and inspire everyone else with how good God is. So, come with me. Sit… Continue reading The Show: God’s Creation Through A Poet’s Eyes

The Christian Walk

9 Common Lies About Singleness and Marriage

I didn't have a single girlfriend before I turned 25. In that time, I heard and believed many lies surrounding singleness and marriage, especially as I worked in ministry. Here are nine common lies about singleness and marriage that I've heard from churches, singles, and married people trying to help their single friends. One: God… Continue reading 9 Common Lies About Singleness and Marriage

The Christian Walk

The Christian Life Shouldn’t Be Boring

We might read the incredible stories in the Bible of the Apostles or of Moses and think, "If only God still moved like that." I firmly believe that the Christian life shouldn't be boring. If you are a Christian and your life is boring, then something's wrong. I don't say this because I want you… Continue reading The Christian Life Shouldn’t Be Boring

The Christian Walk

Why God Lets Bad Things Happen

Interestingly enough, two of the biggest reasons why people don't believe in God and the Gospel are because they believe almost everyone is good in nature and because they don't understand how God could let bad things happen. Both of these reasons actually contradict each other, but let's address them separately. I've already blogged about… Continue reading Why God Lets Bad Things Happen

The Christian Walk

Christ Or Covid, Which Do You Talk About More?

How many times has the Coronavirus come up in your conversations in the last week? I can think of at least six times personally that it's popped up. It's popped up in conversations with Christian friends and non-Christian friends. I've even talked about it with strangers I've met along the way. Now, why doesn't this… Continue reading Christ Or Covid, Which Do You Talk About More?