Evangelism, The Christian Walk

How To Go On Adventures Every Day

We all want our lives to be full of adventure, but, unless you live out in the wilderness, you can’t really go on adventures every day. But, there is one exception to this common truth. You don’t have to trudge through life waiting and longing for that fun adventure three months away. I have a solution for all you Christian adventurers. You can head off on adventures every day, and here’s how.

What Is Adventure

Before I can really propose this adventure idea, we need to break down what true adventure is. I think there are a few key qualities.

Adventure is getting out of your comfort zone. If it were comfortable, then a walk around your neighborhood would slide into the adventure category.

Adventures also must include difficulty. Whether this difficulty is physical, emotional, or mental, there needs to be some sort of challenge.

This may surprise you, but you can’t really have an Adventure without some form of danger. Skydiving is exhilarating because it’s scary and there’s a risk involved. It doesn’t have to be a crazy big risk, and you can still be safe, but true adventure skirts along the side of danger.

Adventures must include some sort of unknown factor. If you know exactly what to expect on your trip, then you need to do something else to experience the true thrill of discovery. My wife’s family goes to the lake a few times a summer. This isn’t an adventure. It’s a trip to do that which they are comfortable and used to doing.

Additionally, I believe a true adventure also needs some sort of big picture element. Backpacking through the wilderness is a fun adventure, but backpacking through the mountains for the purpose of finding a lost hiker or to discover a long-forgotten cave is way more adventurous.

The Greatest Adventure Of All Time

The best adventures include difficulty, danger, the unknown, stepping out of our comfort zones, and playing a part in a big picture mission. When you blend all of these elements together, you get the best adventures. Adventures that books are written about.

And, believe it or not, I know an adventure just like this that’s available to you. It’s one that can influence your every day, and will bring so much meaning and joy to your life that you will never be bored again.

What is it?

It’s the life Christ has called you to. He’s called us to leave father and mother, fields and money, to take part in his great commission to “go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.”

This means being willing to sell all that you own at the drop of a hat and move to another continent. It means changing your evening plans spur of the moment to go talk to a guy on the side of the road that Christ is prompting you to share the gospel with.

The beautiful thing is, you have no idea what he’ll call you to do, where he’ll call you to go, or when he’ll give you a new direction.

The Critical Component

As you are reading this, you might be thinking, “Really, Philip? I’ve been a Christian for a while and it is not that exciting.” I just want you to know, that I’ve experienced this too. But, think about it, God only makes incredible things.

Nature is beautiful—there’s no doubt about that—so are sunsets, storms, friendships, the gift of birth, marriage, space, and so much more. Everything God creates is beautiful, and the same goes with God’s plan for us.

So why do so many Christians live boring lives?

I’m not here to judge Christians and tell them they are failing, but I am here to challenge and inspire Christians to more. God does have a plan for your life, and it’s far more amazing than you could ever imagine.

But, walking this path isn’t easy. It requires sacrifice, discomfort, and stepping out into the unknown.

What This Adventure Every Day Looks Like

I’m not perfect at living this everyday adventure, I sometimes let comfort or safety pull me away from God’s plan, but let me share a few ways that this plays out:

First, my wife and I hope to move back to the Middle East for missions work, we don’t know when, but probably within the next five years. However, God could come in any day and tell us it’s time to go, so we always must have things lined up so we can head out to the Middle East as quickly as possible.

Additionally, God is asking us to take steps and trust him. He directed my wife to go to grad school. We don’t entirely know why yet, nor do we have all the resources to make it happen, but we trust God will somehow make it all work out. This is pretty scary for me, but God’s provided before, so we are trusting he will do so again.

But this is an adventure every day. And big life decisions like those two don’t influence every day. However, God does speak and move every day if we are willing to listen.

Just yesterday, God detoured my plans. I planned to work on my newest book yesterday as I took my car to the mechanic. However, as I was working, I noticed a guy sitting near me who looked really bored and at that moment God gave me the idea to share the gospel with him.

We had an incredible conversation. He asked some really good questions and God gave me some great answers. He was so into the conversation that when the mechanic came to give him the report he told the mechanic to wait a little longer and asked me to keep sharing. After a half-hour of talking, we exchanged numbers so we could continue the conversation later, and parted ways.

Why Walk This Everyday Adventure

I was nervous starting the conversation and a little frustrated because I wanted to do my work instead. However, this conversation was the highlight of my week. Who knows how that conversation might impact him. And there’s no telling how that single conversation will impact the future. Perhaps someday our paths will cross at a time when I’m in danger, and because we had that conversation he’ll be able to help.

There’s no knowing, but when the conversation ended, I could’ve danced with all the joy that filled me knowing I overcame my selfish nature to do exactly what God called me to do.

And there’s no greater joy in life. If you want to live a life of meaning, if you want to be filled with overwhelming joy and satisfaction. Do the hard thing. Hand over everything to God, step out and share the gospel with the lost, and follow God on the adventures he sets before you every day.

Above all else, follow God because you love him. Remind yourself of all he did for you. Focus on all his incredible attributes and creations. Then, use this love to live wilder.


How has God led you on these adventures every day?


If you enjoyed this blog, but don’t quite know how to share the gospel yourself, check out my favorite and most versatile gospel sharing strategy The One Minute Witness.

If you need some more reasons as to why you should step out on this adventure, please check out my last blog Is Grass Smarter Than people?

3 thoughts on “How To Go On Adventures Every Day”

  1. SO good, Philip! I am glad you’re still writing these blog posts. They inspire me to be a better Christian each time I read them! Probably my newest adventure I’ll be embarking on started today. My pastor called me and asked me to do something I’ve NEVER done before since he’s going to be out of town on Sunday. He asked me to lead worship on the piano! I was stunned he asked me. I know it is going to be a new experience. But I believe God will bless it. 🙂

    1. Wow! That’s awesome Abby! Isn’t it cool how far God’s grown you in all of this! Who knows where you’ll be in ten years? God knows, but we must trust him with that journey. And thank you for the encouragement. I’m always excited to read your comments!

      1. That’s so encouraging. God is growing you and Mrs. Wilder too! Can’t wait to see where God takes you both!

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